Main gate remains closed during working hours, visitors are to use gate intercom to contact Reception or Warehouse team.
All staff and visitors to sign into site upon arrival, and out of site upon departure (SwipedOn pad at Reception and in Training Centre)
Exclusions: Delivery Drivers not accessing Admin or Warehouse
This is a multiple risk site (mainly class 3 Flammable liquids)
Follow Fire Wardens direction, via nearest available safe exit to Evacuation Assembly Point (roadside footpath)
Exit front gate to the right, roadside footpath (see assembly sign)
Admin Bld: Toilets & Lunchroom
Warehouse: outside office wall
Exterior rear wall of warehouse
To be worn in Warehouse
To be worn in Training Centre and Warehouse (when moving off yellow marked walkway)
To be worn in Training Centre
See H&S Representative: Wayne Gemmell, phone: 021609320, or another DBNZ Staff member
Visitor vehicle parking area, to the right, in front of Admin Bld
This is a Smoking/Vape and Drug free site
Located at exit points and appropriate locations
Forklift/s operate in and sometimes out of warehouse area
Located off to the righthand side of the main reception/office area
Located behind main reception/office area